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Erros Filatélicos - Portugueses Philatelic Stamps with printing Errors Philatelic Errors in Portuguese Stamps type CERES


This webpage is destined to give knowledge of some printing errors on Portuguese Stamps. These stamps are identical to the one that it was emitted, with some small differences, sometimes quite difficult to be seen at first sight, regarding printing, perforation or used colours. These small " attractive " of the Philately, who are dispersed in attics or old coffers, that enrich our Philatelic Culture. The fact to find one of these magic papers that for negligence or due to a misprinting, a different paper, a different perforation or even the lack of it, becomes different of the one we owns, give us an a enormous satisfaction of the enrichment of our collection. Without this information it would not be possible to be included in future Catalogues and to contribute to magnify our knowledge and our culture. It is one of many reasons why Philately is the maximum exponent of the art and science of the Collectibles.

1893 - D.Luis I - c/sobrecarga "PROVISORIO"- Stamp # 90 Afinsa
Stamp's Catalog # 90 Afinsa - with philatelic error Double printing of the overcharge PROVISORIO. Stamp's Catalog # 90 Afinsa
1895-96 - D. Carlos I - Stamp #132 Afinsa
Stamp's Catalog # 132 Afinsa - with philatelic error Sliding of the face value printing to the right.  
1911 - 4º Cent. Descoberta Caminho Marítimo p/India sobrecarga "REPUBLICA"- Stamp # 185 Afinsa
Stamp's Catalog # 185 Afinsa - with philatelic errorStamp's Catalog # 185 Afinsa - with philatelic error Although known and catalogued this Stamp with inverted overcharge (2nd stamp) in this case it was printed in brown. Stamp's Catalog # 185 Afinsa
1934 - General Carmona - Stamp # 560 Afinsa
Stamp's Catalog # 0560 Afinsa - with philatelic error Stamp not perforated in the left side, having been ripped off from the sheet and still reached another stamp of this side. Stamp's Catalog # 560 Afinsa
1940 - Centenário do selo Postal - Stamp # 604 Afinsa
Stamp's Catalog # 0604 Afinsa - with philatelic error Stamp printed in grey instead of blue. Stamp's Catalog # 604 Afinsa
1943 - Caravela - Stamp # 621 Afinsa
Stamp's Catalog # 0621 Afinsa - with philatelic error Error in the lettering “C” of Correio and “L” of Portugal. Stamp's Catalog # 621 Afinsa
1943 - Caravela - novos valores - Stamp # 697 Afinsa
Stamp's Catalog # 0697 Afinsa - with philatelic error Printing on folded paper that after being unfolded originates a bigger stamp and with lack of printing in the place of the fold. Selo 624 Afinsa
1953 - Centenário do Automóvel Clube de Portugal - Stamp # 782 Afinsa
Stamp's Catalog # 782 Afinsa - with philatelic error Crack in wedge in the place of the currency symbol. Stamp's Catalog # 782 Afinsa
1957 - Cesário Verde - Stamp # 832 Afinsa
Stamp's Catalog # 832 Afinsa - with philatelic error The image slides right way causing a white shadow on the left. Stamp's Catalog # 832 Afinsa
1958 - Participação de Portugal na Exposição de Bruxelas - Stamp # 833 and 834 Afinsa
Selos Nr. 833 e 834 Afinsa - with philatelic error Indented dislocated causing the displacement of the picture to the right. Stamp's Catalog # 833 Afinsa
1961 - Europa CEPT - Stamp # 878 Afinsa
Stamp's Catalog # 0878 Afinsa - with philatelic error Error in the perforation (delimitation of the indented) in vertical and horizontal lines.  
1962 - 8º Centenário da Cidade de Tomar - Stamp # 881 Afinsa
Stamp's Catalog # 0881 Afinsa - with philatelic error Horizontal slide of the black colour. Stamp's Catalog # 0881 Afinsa
1962 - 10º Congresso Internacional de Pediatria - Stamp # 894 Afinsa
Stamp's Catalog # 0894 Afinsa - with philatelic error Colour yellow of the legend slides up causing a double reading. Stamp's Catalog # 894 Afinsa
1964 - Centenário do Banco Nacional Ultramarino - Stamp # 928 Afinsa
Stamp's Catalog # 928 Afinsa - with philatelic error Vertical sliding of the Blue colour. Stamp's Catalog # 928 Afinsa
1966 - Cientistas Portugueses - Prof. Egas Moniz- Stamp # 987 Afinsa
Stamp's Catalog # 987 Afinsa - with philatelic error Partial misprinting of the face value ($50) and the symbol $ missing in both stamps.  
1968 - 20º Aniversário da Org. Mundial de Saúde - Stamp # 1030 Afinsa
Stamp's Catalog # 1030 Afinsa - with philatelic error Sliding to the right of the yellow colour in the snake inside OMS Logo.  
1968 - Emissão alusiva á Madeira (Lubrapex) - Stamp # 1032 Afinsa
Stamp's Catalog # 1032 Afinsa - with philatelic error The slide of the pink colour provokes the sensation of a bigger explosion of the artifice fire coming out of the stamp.
1970 - Centenário do nascimento do Marechal Carmona - Stamp # 1070 Afinsa
Stamp's Catalog # 1070 Afinsa - with philatelic error Dislocated Grey colour for the lower right, provoking at a first sight a white aureole on the head of the Marshal. Selo 1070 Afinsa
1970 - 25º Aniversário da Estação de Melhoramento das Plantas - Stamp # 1073 Afinsa
Stamp's Catalog # 1073 Afinsa - with philatelic error Yellow colour missing on the city symbol.
1970 - Centenário da Cidade da Covilhã - Stamp # 1079 Afinsa
Stamp's Catalog # 1079 Afinsa - with philatelic error The inside wheel should be printed in Red.
1971 - 25º Aniversário do Serviço Meteorológico Nacional - Stamp # 1116 Afinsa
Stamp's Catalog # 1116 Afinsa - with philatelic error Vertical sliding of the grey colour on the face value (1.00)
1971 - Protecção da Natureza - Stamp # 1122 Afinsa
Stamp's Catalog # 1122 Afinsa - with philatelic error Golden colour missing. Stamp's Catalog # 1122 Afinsa
1972 - Bicentenário da Cidade de Pinhel - Stamp # 1147 Afinsa
Stamp's Catalog # 1147 Afinsa - with philatelic error Pink colour missing on the name of the city. Stamp's Catalog # 1147 Afinsa
1972 - Mês Mundial do Coração - Stamp # 1149 Afinsa
Stamp's Catalog # 1149 Afinsa - with philatelic error Lack of the perforation at the left.  
1972 - Mês Mundial do Coração - Stamp # 1150 Afinsa
Stamp's Catalog # 1150 Afinsa - with philatelic error Stamp printed in Blue instead of Green. Stamp's Catalog # 1149 Afinsa
1972 - Mês Mundial do Coração - Stamp # 1151 Afinsa
Stamp's Catalog # 1151 Afinsa - with philatelic error Pair of stamps with double perforation. Noticed a lower level of the 2nd stamp regarding the 1st one.  
1972 - XX Olimpíad Moderna de Munique - Stamp # 1160 Afinsa
Stamp's Catalog # 1160 Afinsa - with philatelic error Stamp printed in Blue instead of Green. Stamp's Catalog # 1160 Afinsa
1974 - 6º Centenário do feito de Nuno Gonçalves de Faria - Stamp #1204 Afinsa
Stamp's Catalog # 1204 Afinsa - with philatelic error Orange colour missing. Stamp's Catalog # 1204 Afinsa
1974 - Europa-CEPT - Escultura - Stamp # 1211 Afinsa
Stamp's Catalog # 1211 Afinsa - with philatelic error The sliding of the grey colour creates an illusion that the sculpture has a lion head. Stamp's Catalog # 1211 Afinsa
1974 - Centenário da União Postal Universal - Stamp # 1220 Afinsa
Error in the perforation.

Stamp's Catalog # 1220 Afinsa - with philatelic error

1975 - Aniversário do Movimento do 25 de Abril - Stamp # 1245 Afinsa
Stamp's Catalog # 1245 Afinsa - with philatelic error Misprinting of the "lettering": 1º ANIVERSÁRIO DO MOVIMENTO DE 25 DE ABRIL DE 1974 Stamp's Catalog # 1245 Afinsa
1976 - Águas - Protecção das Zonas Húmidas (Recursos Naturais) - Stamp # 1307 Afinsa
Stamp's Catalog # 1307 Afinsa - with philatelic error Vertical landslide of the picture of the fish, seeming " trembled ". Stamp's Catalog # 1307 Afinsa
1978 - 19 Séculos do Municipio de Chaves - Stamp # 1392 Afinsa
Stamp's Catalog # 1392 Afinsa - with philatelic errorStamp's Catalog # 1392 Afinsa - with philatelic error Face value (5$00) missing or nr.5 printed in brown and should be green. (in brown is the stamp of 20$00). Stamp's Catalog # 1392 Afinsa
1982 - Instrumentos de Trabalho - Arco da Forja Incompleto- Stamp # 1375a Afinsa
Quadra de Selos Nr. 1375a Afinsa - with philatelic error
Orange colour missing.

Quadra de selos 1375a

1982 - Centenário da Inauguração da Rede Telefónica Pública - Stamp # 1567 Afinsa
Stamp's Catalog # 1567 Afinsa - with philatelic error No Nation Stamp "PORTUGAL" missing. Stamp's Catalog # 1567 Afinsa
1989 - Felicitações - Stamp # 1878 Afinsa
Selos Nr. 1878 Afinsa - with philatelic error 1st stamp has the normal size but with the dislocated perforation to the right which makes the 2nd stamp smaller. Stamp's Catalog # 1878 Afinsa
1991 - Navegadores Portugueses - Stamp # 1933 Afinsa
Stamp's Catalog # 1933 Afinsa - with philatelic error O Navigator was printed in green instead of grey. Stamp's Catalog # 1933 Afinsa
1992 - Navegadores Portugueses - 3º Grupo - Stamp # 2064 Afinsa
Stamp's Catalog # 2064 Afinsa - with philatelic error Yellow background instead of pink colour. Stamp's Catalog # 2064 Afinsa
1992 - Centenário da Praça de Touros do Campo Pequeno - Stamp # 2105 - Bloc 135 Afinsa
Several colours missing, mainly in the front and in the top of the monument.

Stamp's Catalog # 2105 - Bloco 135 Afinsa - with philatelic error

1995 - Natal - Stamp # 2320 Afinsa
Stamp's Catalog # 2320 Afinsa - with philatelic error Although known and catalogued this Stamp without "PORTUGAL" (stamp on the right) in this case we see an inverted legend. (top in grey). Stamp's Catalog # 2320 Afinsa
1996 - 500 Anos da Morte de João Vaz Corte-Real - Stamp # 2345 Bloc 170 Afinsa
The perforation is dislocated for the low left and slightly inclined, being the stamp with a relatively different picture. If it were separated from the sheet would be with word PORTUGA instead of PORTUGAL.

Stamp's Catalog # 2345 - Bloco 170 Afinsa - with philatelic error

2000 - Doces Conventuais Pão-de-ló - Stamp #2698 Afinsa
Stamp's Catalog # 2698 Afinsa - with philatelic error Silver colour missing which causes: Face value, nation, names of the designer and engraver missing. Stamp's Catalog # 2698 Afinsa

Special thanks to
José Augusto Rodrigues and Edgar Cardoso


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